MBCE Basics 101

  • Discover the functional ranges of blood work Emily uses in her practice and discover the top 1-2 reasons why a blood work marker may be high or low. Ranges are provided in US Metrics.

  • Discover certification programs available to you to be able to turn your passion into a career.

  • As a practitioner or certified health coach in the US or Canada, gain access to your own lab account to be able to order MBCE blood work panels and other labs for yourself and your clients.

Course Curriculum

What You Will Learn

    1. Why Blood Chemistry?

    2. Welcome To MBCE Basics 101

    1. Getting To Know The Markers

    2. MBCE Basics 101 Ranges

    3. Pregnancy Influences

    4. Kids Lab Variants and Supports

    1. Foundational Support

    1. Iron Panel Basics

    1. Complete Blood Count (CBC) Basics

    1. Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP) Basics

About this course

  • $497.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content